Honda Pilot: Rear Differential Pump Motor Removal and Installation
Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Remove, Install, Replace, Check info / Rear Differential Pump Motor Removal and Installation
1. Rear Differential Fluid - Drain
2. Breather Hose (Rear Differential Pump Motor Side) - Disconnect
3. Rear Differential Pump Motor - Remove

- Disconnect the connector (A).
- Remove the rear differential pump motor (B) and the O-ring
4. All Removed Parts - Install
- Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.
Rear Differential Removal and Installation
1. Vehicle - Lift
2. Rear Differential Fluid - Drain
3. Muffler - Remove
4. No. 2 Propeller Shaft - Disconnect
5. Connector (Rear Differential Subharness) - Disconnect

- Disconnect the connector (A) by pushing the lock (B) and
pulling the lever (C).
- Remove the harness clamps (D).
6. Connector (Left side) - Disconnect
Without Suspension Stroke Sensor

With Suspension Stroke Sensor

- Disconnect the wheel speed sensor connector (A).
- With Suspension Stroke Sensor: Disconnect the the
suspension stroke sensor connector (B).
- With Suspension Stroke Sensor: Remove the harness
clamps (C).
7. Connector (Right side) - Disconnect

- Disconnect the wheel speed sensor connector (A).
- Remove the harness clamp (B).
8. Breather Hose - Disconnect
9. Rear Differential Mount Bolt - Remove

- Support the rear differential with a transmission jack.
- Remove the rear differential rear mount bolts (A) and the
rear differential front mount bolts (B).
10.Rear Differential - Remove

- Lower the rear differential (A) while pulling both rear
driveshaft inboard joints (B) out of the rear differential.
- Be careful not to damage the driveshaft ring (C) when
prying out the driveshaft inboard joints.
- Be careful not to damage the oil seals (D).
- Secure the driveshaft to the body with a nylon strap on
both sides.
- Remove the driveshaft inboard joint set ring (E) on both
1. Rear Differential - Install

- Install a new driveshaft inboard joint set ring (A) on both
- Lift the rear differential (B) up into position.
- Insert the both rear driveshaft inboard joints (C) into the
rear differential until the set ring locks in the groove.
NOTE: Insert the driveshaft horizontally to prevent
damaging the oil seals (D).
2. Rear Differential Mount Bolt - Install

- Loosen the 14 mm rear differential front mount bolts (A).
- Install new rear differential rear mount bolts (B).
- Install new 10 mm rear differential front mount bolts (C).
- Tighten the 14 mm rear differential front mount bolts.
3. Breather Hose - Connect
4. Connector (Rear Differential Subharness) - Connect

- Install the harness clamps (A).
- Connect the connector (B), and lock the connector lever
5. Connector (Left side) - Connect
Without Suspension Stroke Sensor

With Suspension Stroke Sensor

- Connect the wheel speed sensor connector (A).
- With Suspension Stroke Sensor: Connect the the
suspension stroke sensor connector (B).
- With Suspension Stroke Sensor: Install the harness clamps
6. Connector (Right side) - Connect

- Connect the wheel speed sensor connector (A).
- Install the harness clamp (B).
7. No. 2 Propeller Shaft - Connect
8. Muffler - Install
9. Rear Differential Fluid - Refill
Rear Differential Side Case Oil Seal Replacement
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, illustrations used in the procedure are for left side.
1. Oil Seal - Remove
NOTE: Be careful not to damage the side case while removing
the oil seal.

2. Oil Seal - Install

- Install a new oil seal (A) even and flush with the machined
edge of the side case using the 15 x 135L driver handle
and the oil seal driver attachment.