Honda Pilot: Camshaft Timing Inspection
Honda Pilot 2016-2022 (YF5/YF6) Service Manual / Inspection Info / Camshaft Timing Inspection
1. Camshaft Timing - Inspect

- Turn the crankshaft so its white mark (A) on the crankshaft
pulley lines up with the pointer (B).
NOTE: The other pointer (C) is not used.

- Check that the No. 1 piston top dead center (TDC) mark (A)
on the front camshaft pulley and the pointer (B) on the front
upper covers are aligned.

- If the marks are not aligned, rotate the crankshaft 360
degrees, and recheck the camshaft pulley mark.
- If the marks still do not align, remove the timing belt
and reinstall the timing belt properly.