Honda Pilot: Brake Booster Test
1. Brake Booster Functional Test
- Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode, press the brake
pedal several times to deplete the vacuum reservoir, then
press the brake pedal hard and hold it for 15 seconds. If the
brake pedal sinks, either the master cylinder is bypassing
internally or the brake system is leaking. Inspect the brake
hoses and lines.
- Start the engine with the brake pedal pressed. If the brake
pedal sinks slightly, the vacuum booster is operating
normally. If the brake pedal height does not vary, do the
brake system test.
2. Brake Booster Leak Test

- Press the brake pedal with the engine running, then turn
the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode. The brake pedal
height should not vary while pressed for 30 seconds.
- If the pedal height rises, go to step 6.
- If it does not rise, go to step 2.
- Start the engine, and let it idle for 30 seconds. Turn the
vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode, and wait 30 seconds.
Press the brake pedal several times using normal pressure.
When the pedal is first pressed, it should be low. On
consecutive applications, the pedal height should gradually
- If it rises, the booster is OK.
- If it does not rise, go to step 3.
- Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose (A) at the
booster. The check valve (B) is built into the hose.
NOTE: If the check valve is faulty, replace the brake
booster vacuum hose and the check valve as an assembly.
- Start the engine, and let it idle. There should be vacuum
- If no vacuum is available, the check valve is not
working properly. Replace the brake booster vacuum
hose and the check valve as an assembly, and retest.
- If vacuum is found, go to step 5.
- Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode, reconnect the
vacuum hose to the brake booster.
- Start the engine, and then pinch the brake booster vacuum
hose between the check valve and the booster.
- Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode, and wait 30
seconds. Press the brake pedal several times using normal
pressure. When the pedal is first pressed, it should be low.
On consecutive applications, the pedal height should
gradually rise.
- If the pedal position does not vary, inspect the seal
between the master cylinder and the booster. If the seal
is OK, replace the brake booster.
- If the pedal position varies, replace the brake booster
vacuum hose and the check valve as an assembly.